Food-grade offset ink: a new standard to ensure food packaging safety

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Food-grade offset ink: a new standard to ensure food packaging safety

As consumers' awareness of food safety and environmental protection continues to increase, the safety of food packaging materials has become the focus of attention in the food industry. Among them, food-grade offset ink, as a new type of environmentally friendly material, is gradually becoming an industry standard. This article will explore the definition, characteristics, applications and impact of food-grade offset ink on the food packaging industry.

What is food-grade offset ink?

Food-grade offset ink is a type of ink specifically used for food packaging printing. Its ingredients have been strictly screened and tested to ensure that it will not cause pollution or harm to food. This type of ink usually does not contain harmful chemicals, such as heavy metals, volatile organic compounds (VOCs), etc., and meets international food safety standards, such as FDA (US Food and Drug Administration) and EU (European Union) regulations.

Features of food-grade offset ink

1. High safety: Food-grade offset ink uses non-toxic and harmless raw materials to ensure that no harmful substances are released during the printing process, ensuring food safety.

2. Strong environmental protection: This type of ink usually has low VOC emissions, reduces pollution to the environment, and meets modern environmental protection requirements.

3. Excellent printing performance: Food-grade offset ink has good adhesion and wear resistance, and can achieve high-quality printing effects on various packaging materials.

4. Wide applicability: Suitable for a variety of packaging materials such as paper, plastic, metal, etc., to meet different food packaging needs.

Application of food-grade offset ink

Food-grade offset ink is widely used in various types of food packaging, including but not limited to:

Food labels: used to print food labels to ensure that the ink on the label does not migrate into the food.

Food packaging bags: suitable for various food packaging bags, such as bread bags, candy bags, snack bags, etc.

Beverage packaging: used for printing beverage bottles, cans and other packaging to ensure the safety of beverages.

Outer packaging boxes: Food-grade offset ink is also widely used in the printing of food outer packaging boxes, such as biscuit boxes, chocolate boxes, etc.

The impact of food-grade offset ink on the industry

1. Improve food safety standards: The application of food-grade offset ink improves the safety standards of food packaging, reduces the risk of food contamination, and enhances consumers' trust in food safety.

2. Promote environmental protection development: Since food-grade offset ink has environmental protection characteristics, its promotion and application will help reduce the pollution of the printing industry to the environment and promote the development of green printing.

3. Promote technological innovation: The research and development and application of food-grade offset ink have promoted the continuous innovation of printing technology and improved the overall technical level of the printing industry.


As a safe and environmentally friendly printing material, food-grade offset ink is gradually becoming a new standard in the food packaging industry. Its high safety, excellent printing performance and wide applicability make it occupy an important position in food packaging. As consumers' requirements for food safety and environmental protection continue to increase, the market prospects of food-grade offset ink will be broader, which will definitely bring new development opportunities to the food packaging industry.

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