How important is the environmental friendliness of ink to customers’ choices?

author:Mikisource: release time:2024-05-31page view:1000sum

The environmental friendliness of offset ink and offset sublimation ink is very important for customers to choose. With the improvement of environmental awareness, more and more customers are beginning to pay attention to the environmental friendliness of printed products, which includes the environmental friendliness of ink. Traditional printing inks,like offset ink and offset sublimation ink now updated to environmentally friendly materials,While having good performance, it can also meet the needs of export and environmental protection.

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Environmentally friendly inks, such as oil-based inks(food grade offset ink), abandon the petroleum oil base and turn to more sustainable resources such as soybean oil, linseed oil, tung oil, cottonseed oil, and wood oil. These inks are specially formulated to reduce the impact on the environment. Businesses and consumers who choose these inks can support environmental protection, improve printing quality, and promote sustainable agriculture.

In addition, many companies now use petroleum-based inks because they dry quickly and have low costs. However, with the development of environmentally friendly inks, their drying speed and cost are also gradually increasing, causing more companies and consumers to turn to environmentally friendly inks.

In general, the environmental friendliness of inks is crucial to customers' choices. It not only affects the environmental friendliness of the product, but also affects the social responsibility and image of the company.

offset ink

offset sublimation ink

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