Offset printing ink: colorful changes in the printing industry

author:Billie source: release time:2024-05-27page view:1000sum

Offset printing ink: colorful changes in the printing industry

Offset inks are more than just colored liquids.  They are the essence of print media, the tools that turn imagination into reality. 

Offset printing inks are oil-based mixtures containing pigments, resins, solvents and additives.  Pigments provide color, resins ensure the ink adheres to the paper, solvents keep the ink fluid, and additives fine-tune the ink's performance characteristics.  The unique composition of offset inks enables high-speed printing while maintaining vibrant, long-lasting colors.

Currently, Food grade offset ink have made great progress in environmental protection, reducing the environmental impact of printing operations.  Vegetable-based inks are popular for their lower VOC emissions compared to petroleum-based inks.

Food Grade Offset Ink

The future of offset printing inks is bright and full of potential.  As the industry continues to innovate, we expect advancements in ink formulations will lead to better print quality, faster drying times and greater sustainability.

High Gloss Offset Ink

Offset UV Ink

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