Excellent durability in plastic product printing--thermal transfer offset ink

author:Billie source: release time:2024-09-07page view:1sum

Excellent durability in plastic product printing--thermal transfer offset ink

1. Excellent adhesion

Thermal transfer offset ink can be firmly attached to the plastic surface through thermal transfer technology. The high temperature and pressure in the thermal transfer process make the ink form a strong bond with the plastic substrate, reducing the possibility of pattern shedding and fading.

2. Wear resistance

Plastic products are often subject to friction and collision during use. Thermal transfer offset ink has good wear resistance and can maintain the integrity and clarity of the pattern in daily use.

3. Weather resistance

Thermal transfer offset ink has good weather resistance on plastic products. Whether it is direct sunlight, rain erosion, or temperature changes, the ink can maintain the stability of its color and pattern, and is not prone to fading and deterioration.

4. Chemical resistance

Plastic products may be exposed to various chemicals during use, such as detergents, solvents, etc. Thermal transfer offset ink has a certain chemical resistance, which can resist the erosion of these chemicals and maintain the integrity of the pattern.

5. Water resistance

Thermal transfer offset ink also has excellent water resistance on plastic products. Even when used in a humid environment or in water, the pattern and color can remain stable and are not easy to fall off or fade.

Practical application examples

Beverage bottles: Thermal transfer offset ink is widely used on beverage bottles, which can keep the pattern clear and intact during frequent use and transportation.

Cosmetic bottles: Cosmetic bottles are often exposed to various chemical components. Thermal transfer offset ink can resist the erosion of these components and maintain the beauty of the packaging.

Plastic toys: Plastic toys are often used and rubbed frequently by children. Thermal transfer offset ink can ensure the durability and safety of the pattern on the surface of the toy.


The durability of thermal transfer offset ink in plastic product printing is very excellent and can meet the needs of various application scenarios. Its excellent adhesion, wear resistance, weather resistance, chemical resistance and water resistance make it occupy an important position in plastic product printing. With the continuous advancement of technology, the performance of thermal transfer offset ink will be further improved, providing higher quality solutions for plastic product printing.

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