What should I do if UV printed leather sticks to my hands? Use Zhongliqi UV ink

author:Aimeesource: release time:2024-08-27page view:99878sum

With the development of inkjet printing technology, UV printers are widely used in the leather printing industry to print leather. However, many customers have reported that UV leather printers can stick to their hands when printing leather. After printing, the leather is stacked and stored, and there may be mutual adhesion between the leather during reprocessing. If the adhesion is forcibly separated, the skin will be stuck off, causing damage to the leather that cannot be repaired. Leather material itself has a high price, and if this problem is not solved in a timely manner, it will cause serious economic losses to enterprises, which will have a huge impact on industrial production.


The main reason for "sticky hands" is that the surface of UV ink solidifies slowly and the ink is not completely dry. In response to this issue, Zhongliqi has launched a leather specific UV ink, which focuses on improving the surface curing performance. The ink curing speed is fast, solving the problem of "sticky hands" when printing leather. After curing, the ink has high color fastness and the printed pattern is not easy to fade or fade. Zhongliqi leather UV ink prints images with bright colors, safe and environmentally friendly ink, no pollution and harm to human health. It is widely used in leather clothing, bags, shoes, car decorations, and interior decorations.

11 UV打印皮革粘手怎么办?用中利琪UV墨水 What should I do if UV printed leather sticks to my hands Use Zhongliqi UV ink

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