Adaptive advantages of Flexible LED-UV Curable Ink products printing

author:Aimeesource: release time:2024-07-27page view:9998sum

Compared with solvent-based inks, Flexible LED-UV Curable Ink products have greatly improved printability and print quality. Since UV ink is 100% solid and has no volatile solvents, the viscosity of the ink will not change with changes in environmental conditions. In the past, printers had to complete a long-term printing, especially when printing fine patterns, they always encountered the problem of viscosity changes. When printing, scrape ink back and forth, and the viscosity changes due to solvent volatilization. Every once in a while, The thickness of the ink layer will be different. For UV ink, the viscosity of the ink will not change after one day of work, and the quality of the printed product is exactly the same.


UV ink

In terms of cleaning, Flexible LED-UV Curable Ink products will be put into the curing equipment for curing immediately after printing, so the printed products are not exposed to many impurities and the products can be kept clean. However, solvent-based inks take a long time to dry after printing. When there is a lot of dust in the environment, it will pollute the product. When making luminous signs, it often needs to be printed thicker, and multiple printings are required to meet the thickness requirements. At this time, traditional inks are used for printing, and they have to go through the drying tunnel after each printing, which takes a lot of time and energy.


However, printing with UV curable ink does not need to be dried in the drying tunnel. It can be cured immediately after each printing, and the next process can be carried out, which greatly saves time and energy. In general, Flexible LED-UV Curable Ink products will enter the field of vehicle advertising and banner printing in a big way.

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