The digital printing industry will continue to experience explosive growth in the coming years

author:Aimeesource: release time:2024-07-24page view:6665sum

Digital printing is currently one of the most popular printing and dyeing techniques. Digital printing is a printing process that uses digital technology. Its workflow is to first input the pattern in digital form into a computer, and then edit and process it through a computer printing color separation and tracing system. Then, the computer controls a micro piezoelectric inkjet nozzle to directly spray the specialized dye solution onto the textile, and finally form the desired pattern. Digital printing has the advantages of fast production speed, high efficiency, no need for plate making for sampling, low cost, high degree of automation production, good printing effect, high printing precision, and low pollution. In recent years, with the upgrading of market demand and the improvement of automation level in the textile industry, the market size of digital printing has gradually expanded.



The Research Report on Investment Potential and Development Prospects of China's Digital Printing Industry from 2021 to 2025 shows that from January to March 2021, the shipment volume of digital printing equipment in China reached over 268 units, with sales reaching 260 million yuan, a year-on-year increase of 160%. Digital printing is a new type of printing method. Compared with traditional printing, digital printing has many advantages, such as no restrictions on pattern color matching, high degree of automation, low minimum order quantity, good printing effect, fast production speed and other advantages. Moreover, the recent development of digital printing is indeed very fast, and the number of manufacturers is constantly increasing.


Digital Textile Printer

Nowadays, with the improvement of digital printing technology, many manufacturers with years of experience in digital printing production have relatively mature products, and the entire market is constantly expanding and growing. In the next few years, digital printing will definitely usher in another big explosion.

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