Four tips to save Inkjet printer ink and reduce printing costs

author:Aimeesource: release time:2024-07-22page view:9999sum

Eco Solvent Ink

1. Correctly clean the print head


Most Inkjet printer have automatic cleaning of the nozzle and are equipped with buttons to clean the nozzle. If the automatic cleaning function of the device is ineffective, the nozzle can be manually cleaned. Manual cleaning should follow the steps in the operation manual to disassemble the nozzle, insert a thin rubber tube into the front end of the medical syringe, and rinse it with strictly filtered water. When rinsing, carefully observe the nozzle hole with a magnifying glass. If there is any residue accumulated next to the nozzle hole, it can be removed with a soft rubber product. Long term unused nozzles may clog the nozzle due to ink drying up. They can be soaked in hot water before cleaning. The following points should be noted when cleaning the nozzle:


ADo not use sharp objects to clean the nozzle, do not hit the nozzle, and do not touch the nozzle with your hands;

B. Do not disassemble or install the nozzle while it is live, and do not touch the electrical contacts on the nozzle with your hands or other objects;

C. The nozzle cannot be removed from the machine and placed separately, and cannot be placed in a dusty area.


2. Do not immediately add ink to the ink bottle

We know that the flag machine detects the ink level in the ink cartridge through an induction sensor. As long as the sensor detects that the ink level of one color is less than the set value inside the machine, it prompts to replace the ink cartridge. At this time, the internal sensor of the machine resets, and we can add ink to the ink cartridge.

(The ultra large capacity allows for external viewing of the ink bottle, reducing the number of ink refills and preventing the machine from being affected by a lack of ink. It also contains an ink level alarm, which promptly detects low ink levels to avoid affecting printing.)


3. Minimize the frequency of cleaning as much as possible

The phenomenon of inkjet head blockage often occurs during the use of equipment, and there are many reasons for blockage, such as the working environment of the machine, the quality of the ink, the idle time of the machine, etc. Since cleaning the inkjet head consumes a large amount of ink each time, the number of times to clean the inkjet head should be minimized as much as possible. Of course, when using the machine, attention should be paid to using the ink specified by the machine manufacturer as much as possible.

(Kind reminder: To ensure the lifespan of the nozzle and printing color, it is recommended to use the original manufacturer's ink)


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