Precautions for maintenance and upkeep of autumn and winter Inkjet printer

author:Aimeesource: release time:2024-07-18page view:88888sum

Time flies, it will start autumn next month. For Inkjet printer, the environmental conditions vary throughout the year, and the focus of maintenance is also different. Therefore, it is necessary to understand maintenance measures and maintain the high-precision and high-speed printing state of the Inkjet printer.

Inkjet printer

In previous maintenance of Inkjet printer, I mainly learned about the maintenance work of precision electronic components such as nozzles. I believe everyone has done a good job. Below, Zhongliqi editor will share with you the maintenance methods of other important components of Inkjet printer:


1Grating strip


In order to maintain the precise positioning and printing of the Inkjet printer, a type of accessory such as a ruler scale is needed. Therefore, the function of the grating strip is to ensure accurate printing, located on the transparent elongated film behind the Inkjet printer frame. When faults such as ghosting and misalignment occur during printing, it is usually caused by impurities, dust, or ink droplets on the grating strip. In order not to affect normal printing work, it is necessary to promptly wipe off foreign objects on the grating strip with a cotton cloth during daily maintenance, and keep the entire transparent film surface clean.


2Ink supply system


The ink supply system is an important component of a Inkjet printer, which greatly affects the printing status. Therefore, it is necessary to maintain a closed environment and normal operation of the ink supply system and ink path. Prevent ink leakage in the ink path from causing insufficient ink supply and ink interruption during printing, which can have an impact on work and order submission. Regularly check the virtuous cycle of the entire ink path, promptly correct any problems or hidden dangers in the ink tube and ink path connection port, and reduce unnecessary trouble.


3Ink stack


As the ink stack that comes into daily contact with the print head of the Inkjet printer, it plays a role in protecting and maintaining the print head. Therefore, the ink stack is an indispensable key to maintenance work. After printing for a period of time, the printer will reset to the ink stack and perform operations such as scraping, cleaning, and ink extraction; After stopping printing, the nozzle will tightly adhere to the ink stack to isolate air and keep it moist. Therefore, in order to keep the nozzle moist, reduce ink solidification and blockage of the nozzle, it is necessary to clean the ink stack in a timely manner and keep it clean.


Regular maintenance is possible. Use a cotton swab dipped in cleaning solution to clean ink stains and foreign objects from the ink stack. If the scraper is damaged or deformed, it should be replaced in a timely manner.


The above are three maintenance methods for Inkjet printer accessories shared by Zhongliqi editor, hoping to be helpful to you. Why do some people use Inkjet printer that are not easily damaged or have problems all year round, and why do some people experience nozzle burning and clogging after using them for three months? Inkjet printer need long-term maintenance, and taking these measures can better produce and use them. I hope you can take it seriously and provide a more suitable printing output condition for the Inkjet printer, fully utilizing it to create value and revenue.


Henan Zhongliqi focuses on the production and research and development of advertising printing equipment such as Inkjet printers, with a customer-centric approach and the goal of wholeheartedly serving customers. We have already produced and sold high-quality digital printing equipment such as the industrial four head Black Shark H1 Inkjet printer, S7000 dual/three head high-speed Inkjet printer, S3000 economical indoor and outdoor Inkjet printer, S3200 photo printing and inkjet printer, etc. We have a strong sales and technical team, and believe that Zhongliqi Inkjet printer is a good choice for you!

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