Digital printer : wide format eco solvent printer printing

author:Molly release time:2024-09-05page view:1260sum


Wide format digital printer eco-solvent printing printer ink is a consumable material and will consume a lot of it during printing, so it is necessary to master some saving tips for the use of ink. Avoid repeated power on and off during the use of the digital printer. Use economic mode. Use high-quality ink.Use software to optimize printing tasks. Regular maintenance

Digital printer : wide format eco solvent printer printing

Digital printer: wide format eco solvent printer

Wide format digital printer eco-solvent printing printer ink is a consumable material and will consume a lot of it during printing, so it is necessary to master some saving tips for the use of ink.


Avoid repeated power on and off during the use of the digital printer, because each restart requires the nozzle to be cleaned once. The process of cleaning the nozzle requires the ink pump to extract a part of the ink, and repeated ink extraction will inevitably cause waste. Do not rely too much on automatic cleaning. If the automatic cleaning function does not work, it is recommended to clean it manually instead of repeatedly using the automatic cleaning function.


Use economic mode: Many wide-format digital printers provide economic or draft modes, which are designed to reduce ink consumption. Although the print quality will be reduced, this is a good choice for internal review or when high-quality finished products are not required.


Use high-quality ink: Using high-quality ink can improve printing efficiency and reduce ink waste. Low-quality ink may result in poor printing results and require repeated printing, which increases ink consumption.


Use software to optimize printing tasks: Using professional printing software can help optimize print layout and reduce unnecessary ink use. Software can help with typesetting, reduce blank areas, and ensure that printing tasks are completed on as little paper as possible, thereby saving ink.


Regularly maintain the digital printer to keep it in good working condition and avoid stopping the printer midway, which causes waste of ink and paper.


Regularly check the ink path to ensure that there is no blockage in the ink path, otherwise it is easy to run out of ink during printing, and the cleaning function must be used.


By implementing the above strategies, the ink consumption of wide-format digital printers can be effectively reduced while maintaining print quality.

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